

Functions to visualize the results of temporal clusters.

plot_average_silhouettes(cluster_sets, ax=None, c='k', marker='o', ls='-', **kwargs)[source]

Draw the average silhouette score for each cluster set in cluster_sets.

The silhouette score is a measure of the quality of a clustering.

  • cluster_sets (ClusterSets) – Cluster sets for which to draw the silhouette scores

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes on which to plot

  • c (color, optional) – Color to use for the curve. Default: black.

  • marker (str, optional) – Markers to use for the curve. Default: “o”.

  • ls (str, optional) – Linestyle to use for the cruve. Default: “-“.

  • **kwargs – Other parameters to pass to matplotlib’s plot.


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network(
>>>     temporal_network, "euclidean"
>>> )
>>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix(
>>>     distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12),  "ward"
>>> )
>>> pk.plot_average_silhouettes(cluster_sets)
plot_cluster_set(cluster_set, colors=None, cmap='tab10', vmin=None, vmax=None, y_height=0, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Visualize the clusters in cluster_set.

For each time point, a marker is drawn with a color corresponding to the cluster to which it belongs.

  • cluster_set (ClusterSet) – ClusterSet object

  • colors (list of int, optional) – If None (default), cluster label 0 is assigned its automatic color “C0” and so on. If colors is a list (e.g. [3,1,2]), it relabels the clusters in that order and assigns them the new corresponding colors.

  • cmap (colormap, optional) – Desired colormap (default ‘tab10’).

  • vmin/vmax (float, optional) – Min and max values to use for the color mapping. If None (default), computed from the data in colors.

  • y_height (int or float, optional) – Vertical value at which to draw the markers (default 0). If a single cluster is drawn this value does not matter.

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes on which to plot

  • **kwargs – Other parameters to pass to matplotlib’s scatter.


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network(
>>>     temporal_network, "euclidean"
>>> )
>>> cluster_set = pk.ClusterSet.from_distance_matrix(
>>>     distance_matrix, "maxclust", 5,  "ward"
>>> )
>>> pk.plot_cluster_set(cluster_set)
plot_cluster_sets(cluster_sets, axs=None, cmap='tab10', vmin=None, vmax=None, coloring='consistent', translation=None, with_silhouettes=False, with_n_clusters=False, **kwargs)[source]

Visualize the clusters in cluster_sets.

For each time point, a marker is drawn with a color corresponding to the cluster to which it belongs. Clusterings for different numbers of clusters are drawn at different heights on the vertical axis.

  • cluster_sets (phasik ClusterSets) – ClusterSets object containing partitions to plot

  • axs (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Matplotlib axes on which to plot. If None (default), creates a single axis.

  • cmap (colormap, optional) – Desired colormap (default ‘tab10’).

  • vmin/vmax (float, optional) – Min and max values to use for the color mapping. If None (default), computed from the data in colors.

  • coloring ({‘ascending’, ‘consistent’, None}, optional) – The method to use to obtain consistent coloring across cluster sets. See relabel_clustersets for details. By default, “consistent”

  • translation (dict, optional) – If None (default), has no effect. Elsee, dictionary that determines which label should be replaced by which other label For example {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1} It is applied after the order relabling from method.

  • with_silhouettes (bool, optional) – Whether to draw the corresponding silhouette scores on a second axis. See plot_average_silhouettes for details. Default: False.

  • with_n_clusters (bool, optional) – Whether to draw the corresponding number of clusters on a third axis. See plot_ns_clusters for details. Default: False.


The axis object to draw on

Return type

tuple of matplotlib.axes.Axes


>>> import phasik as pk
>>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network(
>>>     temporal_network, "euclidean"
>>> )
>>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix(
>>>     distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12),  "ward"
>>> )
>>> pk.plot_cluster_sets(cluster_sets)
plot_dendrogram(cluster_set, ax=None, distance_threshold=None, leaf_rotation=90, leaf_font_size=6)[source]

Draw the results of hierarchical clustering as a dendrogram.

The particular clustering passed as argument is the result of choosing a specific threshold in this dendrogram.

  • cluster_set (ClusterSet) – Cluster set for which to draw a dendrogram

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes on which to plot

  • distance_threshold (float, optional) – Threshold at which to draw a horizontal line and above which to use different colors for different branches.

  • leaf_rotation (int or float, optional) – Rotation to apply to the x-axis (leaf) labels (default 90)

  • leaf_font_size (int or str, optional) – Desired size of the x-axis (leaf) labels (default 6)


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network(
>>>     temporal_network, "euclidean"
>>> )
>>> cluster_set = pk.ClusterSet.from_distance_matrix(
>>>     distance_matrix, "maxclust", 5,  "ward"
>>> )
>>> pk.plot_dendrogram(cluster_set)
plot_ns_clusters(cluster_sets, ax=None, c='k', marker='o', ls='-', **kwargs)[source]

Plot the actual number of clusters against the requested number of clusters.

These numbers are plotted for each cluster set in cluster_sets.

  • cluster_sets (ClusterSets) – Cluster sets information to plot

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes on which to plot

  • c (color, optional) – Color or the markers and line. Default: “k”.

  • marker (string, optional) – Marker to use, default: “o”.

  • ls (str, optional) – Style of the line. Default: “-“.

  • **kwargs – Other parameters to pass to matplotlib’s plot.


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network(
>>>     temporal_network, "euclidean"
>>> )
>>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix(
>>>     distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12),  "ward"
>>> )
>>> pk.plot_ns_clusters(cluster_sets)
plot_randindex_bars_over_methods_and_sizes(valid_cluster_sets, reference_method='ward', ax=None, plot_ref=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plot Rand Index as bars, to compare any method to a reference method.

This compares all combinations of methods and number of clusters.

  • valid_cluster_sets (list) – A list of tuples representing valid cluster sets. Each tuple contains the ClusterSet and the clustering method name.

  • reference_method (str, optional) – The reference method to compare other methods to. Defaults to “ward”.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The axes to plot the bars on. If not provided, the current axes will be used.

  • plot_ref (bool, optional) – Determines whether to plot the reference method bars (will have height one). Defaults to False.

  • **kwargs – Other parameters to pass to matpotlib’s bar.


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> clustering_methods = ["k_means", "centroid","average", "ward"]
>>> valid_cluster_sets = []
>>> for clustering_method in clustering_methods:
>>>     distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network(
>>>         temporal_network, "euclidean"
>>>     )
>>>     cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix(
>>>         distance_matrix, "maxclust",  range(2, 12), clustering_method
>>>     )
>>>     valid_cluster_sets.append((cluster_sets, clustering_method))
>>> pk.plot_randindex_bars_over_methods_and_sizes(valid_cluster_sets, reference_method="ward")
>>> ax.set_ylabel("Rand index")
>>> ax.set_xlabel("# clusters")
relabel_clusters_sorted(clusters, final_labels=None)[source]

Returns array of cluster labels sorted in order of appearance, with clusters unchanged

  • clusters (array of int) – Cluster labels

  • final_labels (array of int) – Cluster labels in expected order (has size of the number of clusters)


arr – Resulting clusters

Return type



>>> clusters = np.array([2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1])
>>> relabel_clusters_sorted(clusters)
[ 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 ]
relabel_clustersets(cluster_sets, method='consistent', translation=None)[source]

Relabels clusters in each cluster set, for consistency across different numbers of clusters.

This is especially useful when plotting cluster sets, to have consistent colouring. This function iterates over the different partitions in the cluster set and relabels them using relabel_next_clusterset_sorted or relabel_clusters_sorted depending on the method.

  • cluster_sets (ClusterSets)

  • method ({‘consistent’, ‘ascending’}, optional)

  • translation (dict, optional) – If None (default), has no effect. Else, dictionary that determines which label should be replaced by which other label For example {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1} It is applied after the order relabling from method.



Return type



>>> print(clusterset.clusters)
[[1 1 1 2 2 2]
 [1 1 1 2 2 3]
 [2 1 1 3 3 4]]
>>> clusterset_sorted = pk.cluster_sets, method="consistent")
>>> print(clusterset_sorted.clusters) # unchanged because consistent
[[1 1 1 2 2 2]
 [1 1 1 2 2 3]
 [4 1 1 2 2 3]]
>>> clusterset_sorted = pk.cluster_sets, method="ascending")
>>> print(clust_sorted.clusters)
[[1 1 1 2 2 2]
 [1 1 1 2 2 3]
 [1 2 2 3 3 4]]
relabel_clustersets_from_dict(cluster_sets, translation)[source]

Relabels clusters in each cluster set, so that clusters are labeled according to the translation dictionary

This is especially useful when plotting cluster sets, to have consistent colouring between different figures with cluster sets.

  • cluster_sets (ClusterSets)

  • translation (dict) – Dictionary that determines which label should be replaced by which other label For example {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1}



Return type



>>> print(cluster_sets.clusters)
[[1 1 1 2 2 2]
 [1 1 1 2 2 3]
 [2 1 1 3 3 4]]
>>> translation = {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 1}
>>> clustersets_new = pk.relabel_clustersets_from_dict(cluster_sets, translation)
>>> print(clustersets_new.clusters)
[[2 2 2 3 3 3]
 [2 2 2 3 3 4]
 [3 2 2 4 4 1]]
relabel_next_clusterset_sorted(cluster_sets, cluster_sets_sorted, i)[source]

Relabels the clusters in i+1-th cluster set so that it is consistent with i-th cluster set.

This is especially useful when plotting cluster sets, to have consistent colouring.

  • cluster_sets (ClusterSets) – Original cluster sets

  • cluster_sets_sorted (ClusterSets) – Cluster sets being sorted, already sorted up to i-1

  • i (int) – Index of reference cluster set



Return type



>>> print(clusterset.clusters)
[[1 1 1 2 2 2]
 [1 1 1 2 2 3]
 [2 1 1 3 3 4]]
>>> clusterset_sorted = deepcopy(clusterset)
>>> pk.relabel_next_clusterset_sorted(clust, clust_sorted, 0)
>>> print(clusterset_sorted.clusters) # unchanged because consistent
[[1 1 1 2 2 2]
 [1 1 1 2 2 3]
 [2 1 1 3 3 4]]
>>> pk.relabel_next_clusterset_sorted(clust, clust_sorted, 1)
>>> print(clust_sorted.clusters)
[[1 1 1 2 2 2]
 [1 1 1 2 2 3]
 [4 1 1 2 2 3]]
# note that the clusters at index 2 were relabeled


Functions to visualize networks and temporal networks

animate_temporal_network(temporal_network, color_temporal='red', color_constant='silver', width_scale=1.5, with_labels=True, pos=None, ax=None, interval=20, frames=None)[source]

Return animation of the temporal network evolving over time

  • temporal_network (phasik.TemporalNetwork) – Temporal network to visualise

  • color_temporal (str) – Color of the time-varying edges, defaults to ‘red’

  • color_constant (str) – Color of the constant edges (defaults to ‘silver’), i.e. for which we have no temporal information

  • width_scale (float) – Scale factor for width of the temporal edges compared to the constant ones

  • with_labels (bool, optional) – Wether to draw node labels

  • pos (dict) – Dictionary of node positions

  • ax (matplotlib.axis) – Axes to plot the animation on

  • interval (int) – Interval of time between frames, in ms.

  • frames (int) – Number of frames of the animation (should be at most the number of timepoints (default))

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> pk.animate_temporal_network(temporal_network)
draw_graph(graph, ax=None, pos=None, color='mediumseagreen', edge_widths=None, edge_colors=None, edge_cmap=None, edge_vmin=None, edge_vmax=None, label_nodes=True, colorbar=True)[source]

Basic graph drawing function

  • graph (networkx.Graph) – Graph to visualise

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes on which to draw the graph

  • pos (dict) – Dictionary of node positions of the form {node_id : (x, y)}

  • color (str, optional) – Color to use for the graph nodes and edges (default ‘mediumseagreen’)

  • edge_widths (float or array of floats) – Line width of edges

  • edge_colors (color or array of colors) – Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same length as edgelist. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be mapped to colors using the edge_cmap and edge_vmin,edge_vmax parameters.

  • edge_cmap (Matplotlib colormap, optional) – Colormap for mapping intensities of edges

  • edge_vmin,edge_vmax (floats, optional) – Minimum and maximum for edge colormap scaling

  • label_nodes (bool, optional) – Whether to label the nodes or just leave them as small circles (default True)

  • colorbar (bool, optional) – Wether to draw a colorbar


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import networkx as nx
>>> import phasik as pk
>>> G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(10, 0.5)
>>> pk.draw_graph(G)
highlight_subgraphs(graphs, colors, ax=None, pos=None, label_nodes=True)[source]

Draw multiple nested subgraphs on the same axes

  • graphs (list of networkx.Graph)

  • colors (list of str) – List of colors, one for each of the graphs in ‘graphs’

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes to plot on

  • pos (dict) – Dictionary of node positions

  • label_nodes (bool, optional) – Whether or not to label the graph nodes or leave them as circles

Return type



>>> import networkx as nx
>>> import phasik as pk
>>> graphs = [nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(10, 0.5) for i in range(3)]
>>> pk.highlight_subgraphs(graphs, ["red", "blue", "green"])

Returns a dictionary containing standard values of edge plotting parameters


color (color) – Color to use for edges

Return type



Returns a dictionary containing standard values of label plotting parameters


color (color) – Color to use for labels

Return type



Returns a dictionary containing standard values of node plotting parameters


color (color) – Color to use for nodes

Return type



Returns a dictionary containing standard values of plotting parameters


color (color) – Color to use for nodes and edges

Return type



Useful drawing functions

plot_edge_series(temporal_network, edges, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Draw time series of edge weights, for the specified edges

  • temporal_network (pk.TempNet) – Temporal network

  • edges (list of str) – List of edges to plot

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes to use

  • **kwargs – Other parameters to pass to matplotlib’s plot


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> pk.plot_edge_series(temporal_network, ["A-B", "B-C"])
plot_events(events, ax=None, text_y_pos=None, text_x_offset=0, period=None, n_periods=1, add_labels=True, orientation='vertical', zorder=- 1, alpha=1, va='bottom')[source]

Visualize the occurence of events as vertical lines.

This function was designed to be used in complement to another function plot_cluster_sets that draws objects over time (horizontal axis). The vertical lines are drawn at the horizontal value corresponding to the time of occurrence of the event.

  • events (list of tuples (time, name, line_style)) –

    • time - time at which the event occurred

    • name - the name of the event

    • line_style - any string accepted by matplotlib.lines.Line2D.set_linestyle

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes on which to plot the events

  • text_y_pos (float, optional) – Height at which to place the name of the event (default None)

  • text_x_offset (float, optional) – Distance along x-axis by which to offset the placement of the event name (default 0)

  • period (float or None, optional) – Length of time of one period, if events repeat periodically.

  • n_periods (int, optional) – Number of periods to draw, if events repeat periodically.

  • add_labels (bool, optional) – Wether to display the label of each vertical line, True by default.

  • orientation ({“vertical, horizontal”}, optonal) – Orientation of the lines marking the events. Default: “horizontal”.

  • zorder (float, optional) – Zorder of the lines marking the events. Default: -1.

  • alpha (float) – Transparency of the lines marking the events. Default: 1.

  • va (str, optional) – Direction with respect to which doing the vertical alignment. Default: “bottom”


The axis object to draw on

Return type


See also

plot_phases, plot_cluster_sets


>>> import phasik as pk
>>> events = [(5, "START", "dashed"), (33, "bud", "dashed"), (36, "ori", "dashed")]
>>> cluster_sets.plot(axs=(ax1, ax2), with_silhouettes=True)
>>> pk.plot_events(events, ax=ax1)
plot_interval(binary_series, times, y=0, peak=None, color='k', ax=None, zorder=None)[source]

Plot a binary series as a sequence of coloured intervals

Specifically, draw rectangles to mark intervals where the binary series has value 1 (where it has value 0, do nothing).

  • binary_series (ndarray) – 2D array of binary data to plot

  • times (ndarray) – 1D array consisting of the corresponding time points

  • y (float, optional) – Height (y-axis value) at which to plot the interval (default 0)

  • peak (float, optional) – Time at which to mark the presence of peak with a red star. By default (None), not drawn.

  • color (str, optional) – Color to use for the intervals (default ‘k’)

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes to plot on

  • zorder (int, optional) – Height of the z-axis on which to plot the interval (default None)


The axis object to draw on

Return type



>>> import phasik as pk
>>> binary_series = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
>>> times = list(range(8))
>>> pk.plot_interval(binary_series, times, peak=2)
plot_phases(phases, ax=None, y_pos=None, ymin=0, ymax=1, t_offset=0, color='k')[source]

Visualize temporal phases as shaded intervals

This function was designed to be used in complement to another function plot_cluster_sets that draws objects over time (horizontal axis). The phases are drawn as shaded regions spanning the time interval corresponding to the phases.

  • phases (list of tuples (start_time, end_time, name)) – The start time, end time, and name of each phase to visualize

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes) – Axes on which to plot the phases

  • y_pos (float or None, optional) – Height at which to place the name of the phase

  • ymin (float, optional) – Height at which to start shaded region (default 0)

  • ymax (float, optional) – Height at which to stop shaded region (default 1)

  • t_offset (float, optional) – Offset of phase on the time axis

  • color (color) – Color to draw the intervals in.


The axis object to draw on

Return type


See also

plot_events, plot_cluster_sets


>>> import phasik as pk
>>> phases = [(0, 35, "G1"), (35, 70, "S"), (70, 78, "G2")]
>>> cluster_sets.plot(axs=(ax1, ax2), with_silhouettes=True)
>>> pk.plot_phases(phases, ax=ax1, y_pos=0.05, ymax=0.1)
threshold_plot(x, y, threshold, color_below_threshold, color_above_threshold, ax=None)[source]

Plot values above a certain threshold in a particular colour

  • x (array) – 1D array of values to plot along x-axis

  • y (array) – 1D array of values to plot along y-axis

  • threshold (float) – Only plot in colour the points (x,y) with y >= threshold

  • color_below_threshold (color) – Colour to use for points below threshold

  • color_above_threshold (list colors) – Colour to use for points above threshold

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes to use



Return type

matplotlib LineCollection


General utility functions for plots

adjust_margin(ax=None, top=0, bottom=0, left=0, right=0)[source]

Extend the margin of a plot by a percentage of its original width/height

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes whose margins to adjust

  • top (float, optional) – Percentage (as decimal) by which to increase top margin. Default: 0.

  • bottom (float, optional) – Percentage (as decimal) by which to increase bottom margin. Default: 0.

  • left (float, optional) – Percentage (as decimal) by which to increase left margin. Default: 0.

  • right (float, optional) – Percentage (as decimal) by which to increase right margin. Default: 0.


ax – Axes with adjusted margins

Return type

matplotlib.Axes, optional


Set SciPy’s colour palette to use a particular color map


cmap (colormap) – Colormap to set

Return type



Get a more user-friendly name for certain keywords.

This function takes a keyword key and returns a more user-friendly name for that keyword if it exists in the predefined names dictionary. If the keyword is not found in the dictionary, it is returned as is.


key (str) – The keyword for which a display name is needed.


The display name for the given keyword, or the original keyword if not found.

Return type



>>> display_name('maxclust')
'Max # clusters'
>>> display_name('distance')
'Distance threshold'
>>> display_name('unknown')
label_subplot_grid_with_shared_axes(axes, n_subplots, xlabel, ylabel)[source]

Remove unused axes in grid.

If number of axes is not-rectangular, there will be unused axes at the end of the grid. This removes those axes and ads axes ticks.

  • axes (list of matplotlib.Axes) – Axes containing the subplots

  • n_subplots (int) – Number of subplots in the grid; need not be a ‘rectangular’ number

  • xlabel (str) – Label of the x-axis

  • ylabel (str) – Label of the y-axis


axes – Axes containing the subplots

Return type

list of matplotlib.Axes


Create an ordered color palette of 20 colors.

The function uses the ‘tab20’ color palette from seaborn and rearranges the colors in an ordered pattern. By default, the colors are returned as a list, but if as_map is set to True, a ListedColormap object is returned.


as_map (bool, optional) – Whether to return the colors as a ListedColormap object (default is False).


The ordered color palette. If as_map is True, a ListedColormap object is returned.

Return type

list or ListedColormap


>>> cmap = pk.palette_20_ordered(as_map=True)