Source code for phasik.drawing.drawing_clusters

Functions to visualize the results of temporal clusters.

from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_rand_score

from phasik.utils.clusters import rand_index_over_methods_and_sizes

__all__ = [

[docs]def plot_randindex_bars_over_methods_and_sizes( valid_cluster_sets, reference_method="ward", ax=None, plot_ref=False, **kwargs ): """ Plot Rand Index as bars, to compare any method to a reference method. This compares all combinations of methods and number of clusters. Parameters ---------- valid_cluster_sets : list A list of tuples representing valid cluster sets. Each tuple contains the ClusterSet and the clustering method name. reference_method : str, optional The reference method to compare other methods to. Defaults to "ward". ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes to plot the bars on. If not provided, the current axes will be used. plot_ref : bool, optional Determines whether to plot the reference method bars (will have height one). Defaults to False. **kwargs : Other parameters to pass to matpotlib's bar. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis object to draw on Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> clustering_methods = ["k_means", "centroid","average", "ward"] >>> valid_cluster_sets = [] >>> for clustering_method in clustering_methods: >>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network( >>> temporal_network, "euclidean" >>> ) >>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix( >>> distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12), clustering_method >>> ) >>> valid_cluster_sets.append((cluster_sets, clustering_method)) >>> pk.plot_randindex_bars_over_methods_and_sizes(valid_cluster_sets, reference_method="ward") >>> ax.set_ylabel("Rand index") >>> ax.set_xlabel("# clusters") """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() valid_methods = [sets[1] for sets in valid_cluster_sets] i_ref = valid_methods.index(reference_method) clusters_ref = valid_cluster_sets[i_ref][0] rand_index = rand_index_over_methods_and_sizes(valid_cluster_sets, reference_method) n_sizes, n_methods = rand_index.shape if not plot_ref: n_methods -= 1 width = 1 # bar width width_size = n_methods * width # width of all bars for a given # of clusters width_inter_size = 4 * width # width space between two # of clusters xlabels = clusters_ref.n_clusters xticks = np.arange(n_sizes) * (width_size + width_inter_size) # the label locations for i, method in enumerate(valid_methods): heights = rand_index[:, i] if not plot_ref and i == i_ref: pass else: # don't plot i_ref if plot_ref is False xticks + i * width - width_size / 2, heights, width, label=method, **kwargs, ) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels) return ax
[docs]def plot_cluster_set( cluster_set, colors=None, cmap="tab10", vmin=None, vmax=None, y_height=0, ax=None, **kwargs, ): """ Visualize the clusters in `cluster_set`. For each time point, a marker is drawn with a color corresponding to the cluster to which it belongs. Parameters ---------- cluster_set : ClusterSet ClusterSet object colors: list of int, optional If None (default), cluster label 0 is assigned its automatic color "C0" and so on. If `colors` is a list (e.g. [3,1,2]), it relabels the clusters in that order and assigns them the new corresponding colors. cmap : colormap, optional Desired colormap (default 'tab10'). vmin/vmax : float, optional Min and max values to use for the color mapping. If None (default), computed from the data in `colors`. y_height : int or float, optional Vertical value at which to draw the markers (default 0). If a single cluster is drawn this value does not matter. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes on which to plot **kwargs : Other parameters to pass to matplotlib's scatter. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis object to draw on See Also -------- plot_cluster_sets plot_average_silhouettes plot_ns_clusters Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network( >>> temporal_network, "euclidean" >>> ) >>> cluster_set = pk.ClusterSet.from_distance_matrix( >>> distance_matrix, "maxclust", 5, "ward" >>> ) >>> pk.plot_cluster_set(cluster_set) """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() y = np.ones(len(cluster_set.times)) * y_height if isinstance(colors, list): clusters_plot = relabel_clusters_sorted( cluster_set.clusters, final_labels=colors ) else: clusters_plot = cluster_set.clusters # check that the clustering has not changed assert adjusted_rand_score(clusters_plot, cluster_set.clusters) == 1 im = ax.scatter( cluster_set.times, y, c=clusters_plot, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs, ) return ax
[docs]def plot_cluster_sets( cluster_sets, axs=None, cmap="tab10", vmin=None, vmax=None, coloring="consistent", translation=None, with_silhouettes=False, with_n_clusters=False, **kwargs, ): """Visualize the clusters in `cluster_sets`. For each time point, a marker is drawn with a color corresponding to the cluster to which it belongs. Clusterings for different numbers of clusters are drawn at different heights on the vertical axis. Parameters ---------- cluster_sets : phasik ClusterSets ClusterSets object containing partitions to plot axs : matplotlib.Axes, optional Matplotlib axes on which to plot. If None (default), creates a single axis. cmap : colormap, optional Desired colormap (default 'tab10'). vmin/vmax : float, optional Min and max values to use for the color mapping. If None (default), computed from the data in `colors`. coloring : {'ascending', 'consistent', None}, optional The method to use to obtain consistent coloring across cluster sets. See `relabel_clustersets` for details. By default, "consistent" translation : dict, optional If None (default), has no effect. Elsee, dictionary that determines which label should be replaced by which other label For example {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1} It is applied after the order relabling from `method`. with_silhouettes : bool, optional Whether to draw the corresponding silhouette scores on a second axis. See `plot_average_silhouettes` for details. Default: False. with_n_clusters : bool, optional Whether to draw the corresponding number of clusters on a third axis. See `plot_ns_clusters` for details. Default: False. Returns ------- tuple of matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis object to draw on See Also -------- plot_cluster_set plot_average_silhouettes plot_ns_clusters Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network( >>> temporal_network, "euclidean" >>> ) >>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix( >>> distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12), "ward" >>> ) >>> pk.plot_cluster_sets(cluster_sets) """ if axs is None: assert not with_silhouettes assert not with_n_clusters ax1 = plt.gca() ax2, ax3 = None, None else: if with_silhouettes: if with_n_clusters: ax1, ax2, ax3 = axs else: ax1, ax2 = axs ax3 = None else: if isinstance(axs, tuple): ax1 = axs[0] else: ax1 = axs ax2, ax3 = None, None if coloring is not None: cluster_sets = relabel_clustersets( cluster_sets, method=coloring, translation=translation ) for cluster_set in cluster_sets: # (cmap, number_of_colors) = ('tab20', 20) if cluster_set.size > 10 else ('tab10', 10) # replace by single colour palette with 20 colours such that first 10 colours are same as tab10 # cmap = palette_20_ordered(as_map=True) plot_cluster_set( cluster_set, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, y_height=cluster_set.n_max, ax=ax1, ) if with_silhouettes: plot_average_silhouettes(cluster_sets, ax=ax2) if with_n_clusters: plot_ns_clusters(cluster_sets, ax=ax3) if with_n_clusters: return (ax1, ax2, ax3) if with_silhouettes: return (ax1, ax2) if ax1 is not None: return ax1
[docs]def plot_dendrogram( cluster_set, ax=None, distance_threshold=None, leaf_rotation=90, leaf_font_size=6, ): """ Draw the results of hierarchical clustering as a dendrogram. The particular clustering passed as argument is the result of choosing a specific threshold in this dendrogram. Parameters ---------- cluster_set : ClusterSet Cluster set for which to draw a dendrogram ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes on which to plot distance_threshold : float, optional Threshold at which to draw a horizontal line and above which to use different colors for different branches. leaf_rotation : int or float, optional Rotation to apply to the x-axis (leaf) labels (default 90) leaf_font_size : int or str, optional Desired size of the x-axis (leaf) labels (default 6) Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis object to draw on Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network( >>> temporal_network, "euclidean" >>> ) >>> cluster_set = pk.ClusterSet.from_distance_matrix( >>> distance_matrix, "maxclust", 5, "ward" >>> ) >>> pk.plot_dendrogram(cluster_set) """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if cluster_set.linkage is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot compute the threshold of a non-hierarchical clustering" ) # Calculate the distance threshold at which clusters stop, so that below this threshold we plot the # dendrogram in colour, while above it we plot in black. if distance_threshold is None: distance_threshold = cluster_set.distance_threshold() sch.dendrogram( cluster_set.linkage, leaf_rotation=leaf_rotation, leaf_font_size=leaf_font_size, color_threshold=distance_threshold, above_threshold_color="black", ax=ax, ) ax.axhline(y=distance_threshold, c="grey", ls="--", zorder=1) return ax
[docs]def plot_average_silhouettes( cluster_sets, ax=None, c="k", marker="o", ls="-", **kwargs ): """Draw the average silhouette score for each cluster set in `cluster_sets`. The silhouette score is a measure of the quality of a clustering. Parameters ---------- cluster_sets : ClusterSets Cluster sets for which to draw the silhouette scores ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes on which to plot c : color, optional Color to use for the curve. Default: black. marker : str, optional Markers to use for the curve. Default: "o". ls : str, optional Linestyle to use for the cruve. Default: "-". **kwargs : Other parameters to pass to matplotlib's plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis object to draw on See Also -------- plot_cluster_set plot_cluster_sets plot_ns_clusters Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network( >>> temporal_network, "euclidean" >>> ) >>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix( >>> distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12), "ward" >>> ) >>> pk.plot_average_silhouettes(cluster_sets) """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot( cluster_sets.silhouettes_average, cluster_sets.ns_max, c=c, marker=marker, ls=ls, **kwargs, ) ax.set_xlabel("Average silhouette") return ax
[docs]def plot_ns_clusters(cluster_sets, ax=None, c="k", marker="o", ls="-", **kwargs): """Plot the actual number of clusters against the requested number of clusters. These numbers are plotted for each cluster set in `cluster_sets`. Parameters ---------- cluster_sets : ClusterSets Cluster sets information to plot ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes on which to plot c : color, optional Color or the markers and line. Default: "k". marker : string, optional Marker to use, default: "o". ls : str, optional Style of the line. Default: "-". **kwargs : Other parameters to pass to matplotlib's plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes The axis object to draw on See Also -------- plot_cluster_set plot_cluster_sets plot_average_silhouettes Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network( >>> temporal_network, "euclidean" >>> ) >>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix( >>> distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12), "ward" >>> ) >>> pk.plot_ns_clusters(cluster_sets) """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot( cluster_sets.n_clusters, cluster_sets.ns_max, c=c, marker=marker, ls=ls, **kwargs, ) return ax
[docs]def relabel_clustersets_from_dict(cluster_sets, translation): """Relabels clusters in each cluster set, so that clusters are labeled according to the translation dictionary This is especially useful when plotting cluster sets, to have consistent colouring between different figures with cluster sets. Parameters ---------- cluster_sets : ClusterSets translation : dict Dictionary that determines which label should be replaced by which other label For example {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1} Returns ------- cluster_sets_sorted: ClusterSets See Also -------- relabel_clustersets relabel_clusters_sorted relabel_next_clusterset_sorted Examples -------- >>> print(cluster_sets.clusters) [[1 1 1 2 2 2] [1 1 1 2 2 3] [2 1 1 3 3 4]] >>> translation = {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 1} >>> clustersets_new = pk.relabel_clustersets_from_dict(cluster_sets, translation) >>> print(clustersets_new.clusters) [[2 2 2 3 3 3] [2 2 2 3 3 4] [3 2 2 4 4 1]] """ if set(translation.keys()) != set(translation.values()): raise ValueError( "`translation` is not a valid dict: it does not preserve the original cluster structure." ) cluster_sets_relabled = deepcopy(cluster_sets) # swap label values in summary array for k, v in translation.items(): cluster_sets_relabled.clusters[cluster_sets.clusters == k] = v # swap label values in each clusterset for i, clusters in enumerate(cluster_sets_relabled.clusters): cluster_sets_relabled.clusters_sets[i].clusters = clusters return cluster_sets_relabled
[docs]def relabel_clustersets(cluster_sets, method="consistent", translation=None): """Relabels clusters in each cluster set, for consistency across different numbers of clusters. This is especially useful when plotting cluster sets, to have consistent colouring. This function iterates over the different partitions in the cluster set and relabels them using `relabel_next_clusterset_sorted` or `relabel_clusters_sorted` depending on the `method`. Parameters ---------- cluster_sets : ClusterSets method : {'consistent', 'ascending'}, optional translation : dict, optional If None (default), has no effect. Else, dictionary that determines which label should be replaced by which other label For example {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1} It is applied after the order relabling from `method`. Returns ------- cluster_sets_sorted: ClusterSets See Also -------- relabel_clustersets_from_dict relabel_clusters_sorted relabel_next_clusterset_sorted Examples -------- >>> print(clusterset.clusters) [[1 1 1 2 2 2] [1 1 1 2 2 3] [2 1 1 3 3 4]] >>> clusterset_sorted = pk.cluster_sets, method="consistent") >>> print(clusterset_sorted.clusters) # unchanged because consistent [[1 1 1 2 2 2] [1 1 1 2 2 3] [4 1 1 2 2 3]] >>> clusterset_sorted = pk.cluster_sets, method="ascending") >>> print(clust_sorted.clusters) [[1 1 1 2 2 2] [1 1 1 2 2 3] [1 2 2 3 3 4]] """ if method not in ["consistent", "ascending"]: raise ValueError("Method should be one of ['consistent', 'ascending'].") n = len(cluster_sets.n_clusters) cluster_sets_sorted = deepcopy(cluster_sets) if method == "ascending" or method == "consistent": cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[0] = relabel_clusters_sorted( cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[0] ) cluster_sets_sorted[0].clusters = relabel_clusters_sorted( cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[0] ) # compute without modifying original for i in range(n - 1): if method == "consistent": cluster_sets_sorted = relabel_next_clusterset_sorted( cluster_sets, cluster_sets_sorted, i ) elif method == "ascending": cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[i + 1] = relabel_clusters_sorted( cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[i + 1] ) cluster_sets_sorted[i + 1].clusters = relabel_clusters_sorted( cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[i + 1] ) else: raise KeyError("Unknown sorting method") if translation is not None: cluster_sets_sorted = relabel_clustersets_from_dict( cluster_sets_sorted, translation ) return cluster_sets_sorted
[docs]def relabel_clusters_sorted(clusters, final_labels=None): """Returns array of cluster labels sorted in order of appearance, with clusters unchanged Parameters ---------- clusters : array of int Cluster labels final_labels : array of int Cluster labels in expected order (has size of the number of clusters) Returns ------- arr : np.ndarray Resulting clusters See Also -------- relabel_clustersets_from_dict relabel_clustersets relabel_clusters_sorted Examples -------- >>> clusters = np.array([2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1]) >>> relabel_clusters_sorted(clusters) [ 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 ] """ clusters = np.array(clusters) arr = -clusters i = 1 for j, el in enumerate(arr): if el >= 0: pass else: arr[arr == el] = i i += 1 if final_labels is not None: if len(set(clusters)) != len(set(final_labels)): raise ValueError("The length of final_labels must the number of clusters") if isinstance(final_labels, list): arr = list(map(lambda k: final_labels[k - 1], arr)) # check that the clustering has not changed assert adjusted_rand_score(clusters, arr) == 1 return np.array(arr)
[docs]def relabel_next_clusterset_sorted(cluster_sets, cluster_sets_sorted, i): """Relabels the clusters in i+1-th cluster set so that it is consistent with i-th cluster set. This is especially useful when plotting cluster sets, to have consistent colouring. Parameters ---------- cluster_sets : ClusterSets Original cluster sets cluster_sets_sorted : ClusterSets Cluster sets being sorted, already sorted up to i-1 i : int Index of reference cluster set Returns ------- cluster_sets_sorted : ClusterSets See Also -------- relabel_clustersets_from_dict relabel_clustersets relabel_clusters_sorted Examples -------- >>> print(clusterset.clusters) [[1 1 1 2 2 2] [1 1 1 2 2 3] [2 1 1 3 3 4]] >>> clusterset_sorted = deepcopy(clusterset) >>> pk.relabel_next_clusterset_sorted(clust, clust_sorted, 0) >>> print(clusterset_sorted.clusters) # unchanged because consistent [[1 1 1 2 2 2] [1 1 1 2 2 3] [2 1 1 3 3 4]] >>> pk.relabel_next_clusterset_sorted(clust, clust_sorted, 1) >>> print(clust_sorted.clusters) [[1 1 1 2 2 2] [1 1 1 2 2 3] [4 1 1 2 2 3]] # note that the clusters at index 2 were relabeled """ # first we need the original clusters # to determine which cluster was split going from i to i+1 clusters clusters_ref = cluster_sets.clusters[i] # i clusters clusters_up = cluster_sets.clusters[i + 1] # i+1 clusters n_ref = cluster_sets.n_clusters[i] n_up = cluster_sets.n_clusters[i + 1] # those labels that changed between ref and up diff = clusters_ref[clusters_ref != clusters_up] if diff.size == 0: # empty array, no difference between i and i+1 # print("pass, empty array") pass else: # otherwise, sort # label of reference cluster that was split in up label_split = min(diff) # size of cluster before splitting (in ref) len_ref = len(clusters_ref[clusters_ref == label_split]) # size of cluster after splitting (in up) len_up = len(clusters_up[clusters_up == label_split]) # the cluster is split into two clusters: they have labels label_split and label_split+1. # we keep the same colour for the bigger of the two, i.e. we assign it label label_split # the smaller one is assigned the new colour, i.e. label n_up # we need to shift the other labels accordingly clusters_ref_sorted = cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[i] clusters_up_sorted = cluster_sets_sorted.clusters[i + 1] n_diff = n_up - n_ref # number of additional clusters between i and i+1 if n_diff == 1: if ( len_up >= len_ref / 2 ): # split cluster with old label is bigger than new label: old label stays unchanged clusters_up_sorted[ clusters_up == label_split + 1 ] = -1 # flag new cluster unchanged = clusters_up_sorted != -1 clusters_up_sorted[unchanged] = clusters_ref_sorted[unchanged] clusters_up_sorted[ clusters_up_sorted == -1 ] = n_up # assign new colour to new cluster else: clusters_up_sorted[clusters_up == label_split] = -1 # flag old cluster unchanged = clusters_up_sorted != -1 clusters_up_sorted[unchanged] = clusters_ref_sorted[unchanged] clusters_up_sorted[ clusters_up_sorted == -1 ] = n_up # assign new colour to old cluster else: # more than 1, then cluster is split into labels label_split, label_split+1, label_split+2, ... lens_new = [ len(clusters_up[clusters_up == label_split + j]) for j in range(n_diff + 1) ] j_max = np.argmax(lens_new) - 1 if ( j_max == -1 ): # split cluster with old label is bigger than new label: old label stays unchanged for j in range(n_diff): clusters_up_sorted[clusters_up == label_split + 1 + j] = ( -1 - j ) # flag new cluster unchanged = clusters_up_sorted > 0 clusters_up_sorted[unchanged] = clusters_ref_sorted[unchanged] for j in range(n_diff): clusters_up_sorted[clusters_up_sorted == -1 - j] = ( n_up - n_diff + 1 + j ) # assign new colour to new cluster else: # swap old cluster label_split with j_max clusters_up_sorted[ clusters_up == label_split ] = -label_split # flag old cluster for j in range(n_diff): clusters_up_sorted[clusters_up == label_split + 1 + j] = ( -label_split - 1 - j ) # flag new clusters unchanged = clusters_up_sorted > 0 clusters_up_sorted[unchanged] = clusters_ref_sorted[unchanged] clusters_up_sorted[ clusters_up_sorted == -label_split - 1 - j_max ] = label_split for j in range(n_diff): if j != j_max: clusters_up_sorted[ clusters_up_sorted == -label_split - 1 - j ] = ( n_up - n_diff + 1 + j ) # assign new colour to new cluster clusters_up_sorted[clusters_up_sorted == -label_split] = ( n_up - n_diff + 1 + j_max ) # assign new colour to old cluster # update clusters also in cluster_set instance cluster_sets_sorted[i + 1].clusters = clusters_up_sorted # check that the clustering has not changed assert adjusted_rand_score(clusters_up_sorted, clusters_up) == 1 return cluster_sets_sorted