
classmethod TemporalNetwork.from_static_network_and_tedges(static_network, tedges, static_edge_default_weight=None, normalise='max', quiet=True)[source]

Creates a temporal network by combining a static network with tedges

If all edges of the static network are represented in the tedges, create a temporal network by setting time-varying edge weights from the tedges. Raises an Exception if not all edges have temporal information.

  • static_network (networkx.Graph) – Static network into which to integrate the temporal information

  • tedges (pandas.DataFrame or list of tuples) – Tedges must be of the form (i, j, t, weight)

  • static_edge_default_weight (float) – Weight to use for edges without temporal information

  • normalise ({‘max’, ‘minmax’, “standardise”, None}) – Choice of normalsation of the edge timeseries

  • quiet (bool) – If True (default), print minimum informative messages