Source code for phasik.utils.clusters

Functions to manipulate and sort clusters

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_rand_score

__all__ = [

[docs]def aggregate_network_by_cluster( temporal_network, clusters, sort_clusters=None, output="averaged" ): """ Aggregates the temporal network over eacher cluster in a cluster set Parameters ---------- temporal_network : phasik.TemporalNetwork Temporal network to aggregate clusters : array of int Cluster labels of length that is the number of time points in the temporal network. sort_clusters : bool If True, sort cluster labels based on ascending times output : {'weighted', 'averaged', 'binary', 'normalised'}, optional Determines the type of output edge weights Returns ------- aggregates : dict Dict each key is a cluster label and each value is a tuple of the form (networkx.Graph, list of time indices of cluster). Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> clusters = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3] >>> pk.aggregate_network_by_cluster(temporal_network, clusters, output="averaged") {1: (<networkx.classes.graph.Graph at 0x177665df0>, [0, 1, 2]), 2: (<networkx.classes.graph.Graph at 0x177668580>, [3, 4]), 3: (<networkx.classes.graph.Graph at 0x177668e20>, [5])} """ aggregates = {} clusters = np.array(clusters) if sort_clusters is True: # sort by ascending times clusters = cluster_sort(clusters) elif (sort_clusters is False) or (sort_clusters is None): pass elif isinstance(sort_clusters, list): # sort by specified order clusters = cluster_sort(clusters, final_labels=sort_clusters) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for 'sort_clusters': must be True or a list of cluster labels" ) cluster_time_indices = convert_cluster_labels_to_dict(clusters) for cluster_label, time_indices in cluster_time_indices.items(): aggregates[cluster_label] = ( temporal_network.aggregated_network( time_indices=time_indices, output=output ), time_indices, ) return aggregates
[docs]def convert_cluster_labels_to_dict(clusters): """Returns dictionary where each key is a cluster label and each value is list of the time indices composing the cluster. Parameters ---------- clusters : list of int List of cluster labels Returns ------- cluster_times : dict Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> pk.convert_cluster_labels_to_dict([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) {1: [0, 1, 2], 2: [3, 4], 3: [5]} """ n_max = max(clusters) clusters = np.array(clusters) cluster_times = {n: list(np.where(clusters == n)[0]) for n in range(1, n_max + 1)} return cluster_times
[docs]def rand_index_over_methods_and_sizes(valid_cluster_sets, reference_method="ward"): """ Compute the Rand Index to compare any clustering method to a reference method, for all combinations of methods and number of clusters. Parameters ---------- valid_cluster_sets : list List of tuples (cluster_object, method_name) representing the clustering object and the name of the clustering method used to obtain it. reference_method : str, optional The name of the reference method to compare against. The default is "ward". Returns ------- rand_scores : ndarray Array of dimension (n_sizes, n_methods) with Rand Index scores. Notes ----- The Rand Index is a measure of the similarity between two clusterings. It is based on the number of pairs of samples that are assigned to the same or different clusters in the two clusterings. The adjusted Rand Index is a modification of the Rand Index that takes into account chance agreements. Examples -------- >>> import phasik as pk >>> clustering_methods = ["k_means", "centroid","average", "ward"] >>> valid_cluster_sets = [] >>> for clustering_method in clustering_methods: >>> distance_matrix = pk.DistanceMatrix.from_temporal_network( >>> temporal_network, "euclidean" >>> ) >>> cluster_sets = pk.ClusterSets.from_distance_matrix( >>> distance_matrix, "maxclust", range(2, 12), clustering_method >>> ) >>> valid_cluster_sets.append((cluster_sets, clustering_method)) >>> pk.rand_index_over_methods_and_sizes(valid_cluster_sets, reference_method="ward") """ # Extract the list of methods used to obtain the clusters and the reference method valid_methods = [sets[1] for sets in valid_cluster_sets] # Find the index of the reference method i_ref = valid_methods.index(reference_method) # Extract the clusters obtained with the reference method clusters_ref = valid_cluster_sets[i_ref][0] # Compute Rand Index to compare each method with reference method, for each number of clusters n_sizes = len(clusters_ref.n_clusters) n_methods = len(valid_cluster_sets) rand_scores = np.zeros((n_sizes, n_methods)) for i_size, size in enumerate(clusters_ref.n_clusters): for i_method, method in enumerate(valid_methods): # Extract the clusters obtained with the current method clusters2 = valid_cluster_sets[i_method][0] # Compute the Rand Index between the two clusterings rand_index = adjusted_rand_score( clusters_ref.clusters[i_size], clusters2.clusters[i_size] ) # Store the Rand Index in the results array rand_scores[i_size, i_method] = rand_index return rand_scores
[docs]def cluster_sort(clusters, final_labels=None): """ Sorts an array of cluster labels in order of appearance, and returns the sorted array while leaving the original clusters unchanged. Parameters ---------- clusters : numpy.ndarray An array of cluster labels. final_labels : list or None, optional A list of final labels (as integers) to replace the original cluster labels, by default None. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or list An array of cluster labels sorted in order of appearance. If `final_labels` is not None, it will return a list of final labels with the same length as `clusters`. Examples -------- >>> clusters = np.array([2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1]) >>> cluster_sort(clusters) array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]) >>> final_labels = [4, 5, 6] >>> cluster_sort(clusters, final_labels) [4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6] """ # give temporary negative values to labels arr = -clusters i = 1 for j, el in enumerate(arr): if el >= 0: # already sorted pass else: # give new label arr[arr == el] = i i += 1 # if final_labels is a list, replace each element of the array with the corresponding label if isinstance(final_labels, list): arr = list(map(lambda i: final_labels[i - 1], arr)) # check that the clustering has not changed assert adjusted_rand_score(clusters, arr) == 1 return arr